Emergency Safe House

Safe Housing

Valley Crisis Center operates two confidential safe houses. One for victims/survivors of intimate partner violence and sexual assault (IPV/SA). The other for victims/survivors of human trafficking (HT).
If you are a survivor with children, our safe houses allow the children of survivors as well. We understand it is important to protect not only yourself, but your children too.
Frequently Asked Questions

Our intimate partner/sexual assault shelter is ADA accessible.

Our human trafficking shelter is not.

Valley Crisis Center’s IPV/SA shelter allows pets.

Our HT shelter does not.

Yes. Due to the nature of our program, we ask participants to return the house by 10 PM. There are case-by-case situations where someone may stay out longer.

Both of Valley Crisis Center’s safe houses do not offer childcare.

No. Reporting to the police is not a requirement of any of our services. 

Yes. Valley Crisis Center helps people of many diverse backgrounds, including all gender identities, sexual orientations, race, ethnicities, ages, physical abilities and beliefs.

Valley Crisis Center makes every effort to be culturally responsive. If you have specific needs, please let the advocate know during the assessment. 

Our IPV/SA safe house is up to a 60 day stay.

Our HT safe house is up to a 90 day stay.

Each site does a 72-Hour safety evaluation to make sure our programs are safe for you and your children. If we determine it is not safe, we will make every effort to find a safer alternative. 

Both of our safe houses are set up for communal living. This means you have to share common spaces like the living room, bathrooms, kitchen, etc. 

There may be times where you have your own room or you have to share depending on how full the safe house becomes.

Valley Crisis Center provides basic commodities.

No, all of our services are voluntary. If you do not want or need counseling, legal help, or advocacy, you do not need to get it.

Both of Valley Crisis Center’s safe houses are staffed 24/7. 

However, as a crisis response agency, there may be times staff are not in the house or they are unavailable. In situations like this, you can call us on our 24-Hour Crisis Hotline.

To be assessed for our safe house program, you can do it two ways:
Our Safe House Programs have ongoing needs. If you wish to donate, please check out our wishlist.